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Bobbin Lace Trees

Hello everyone,

I’m in the middle of making some bobbin lace to add to a tapestry.

A little more progress was made.

I found a wonderful bobbin lace pillow on Etsy. It’s so much easier to use. There’s no disturbing the piece you are working on. Instead of having to remove pins and pick up the lace you just move the pillow! Here’s the link if you’re interested. http://www.etsy.com/listing/551628436/

My work transferred to the new pillow!

As the work progressed, all I had to do was move the top block down to the bottom. Nothing else had to be touched!

All the crossing and twisting is complete. After the ends are secure I can sew it to the tapestry.

This is the tapestry this lace is to be a part of.

Wire was added around the back edge of the lace so it would stay in place better.

I laid the tapestry on some foam board and traced it and did the same with some felt. I cut the foam board about a quarter of an inch smaller all around, centered it on the back of the tapestry, laid the felt over that and stitched it all together with small hand stitches.

Bobbins were added to the fringe. The lace sagged a little. The wire I used was not quite firm enough so I added a piece of wood to the back.

Here is the finished tapestry! I call it Bobbins and Bobbins because it has lace bobbins under the lace and tapestry bobbins under the tapestry.

What do you think?