A gallery to inspire, nurture and promote creativity


Tapestry Loom

Hello everyone,

For years I had been scouring the internet, looking for a large wooden tapestry loom. Most companies had completely stopped making them. I wondered if Mirrix looms put them out of business. Their looms are less expensive. I had even bought one myself but wasn’t very happy with it. I’m used to weaving fabric and like to use the beater. Even when I weave a tapestry I weave one row at a time and beat it down before I move on to the next row. A large wooden loom would serve my purposes better. Leclerc was the only company I could find that still made one but I didn’t like it. It wasn’t pretty enough for me so I just kept looking.

This is my Mirrix loom, the Joni model.

On a move from Southern California to Northern California I stopped at my sisters’ house because my new house wasn’t ready yet. As we were talking one day, I told them about my search. Just then I looked on craigslist and saw a beautiful Glimakra loom for sale. I texted immediately! I just happened to see the ad at the right time and be the first person to respond! The loom was located nearby so we went and bought my new loom!!

My beautiful Glimakra Loom!

It was just one of those wonderful synchronicities!!!

What I made on it is coming up in the next post.